Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 9: Breaking out and Bittersweet Endings

This past Thursday marked my last week working at the Bravo booth. And while it was bittersweet, I am grateful to have worked with an intelligent and creative group of people - all while having fun. 

Through my experiences working with Bravo and advertising the app to college students, I have learned not to be afraid of approaching and interacting with students - even if I have to be a little annoying at times! I'll admit that when I first started helping out and advertising, I was intimidated by the students and would not approach them unless they seemed interested or came to me first. However, over time, I finally broke out of my shell and found the courage to bring out my cheerful but professional personality. As soon as I started, I was able to recruit more interested students! :)

Love the Bravo family!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 8: Bikes and Brainstorming

Now that Pot of Gold is over, Bravo is currently attracting ASU students by raffling off a bike sponsored by Pedal Haus Brewery! Look forward to pictures in this weeks blog!

This past week, I also started planning my final presentation and deliverable for my project. With the factual resources I have from my on-site advisor, I am sifting through the information and designating what I want to present. While I won't reveal everything that will be in my presentation, my idea is to have multiple sections that will first showcase my experiences then relay my thoughts on how Bravo can improve and expand.

When it comes to presentations, I always ask myself these two questions: Can an audience that knows nothing about my topic understand what I am saying? Is my content boring? While the second question involves my own personal preference of being engaging, I find it necessary to always keep the audience periodically engaged. I'll admit that I'm struggling to devise a deliverable that is creative, yet still able to maintain the gravity of Bravo's success. The company's - and the app's - mission is clear to understand. However, because there are so many avenues that the company is planning to take, I have to determine which initiatives are most relatable to an audience that knows nothing about Bravo. My goal with this project is to present my experiences but, more importantly, to spread awareness about the company.

As I start this week, I hope to gain novel, and hopefully inventive, perspectives after working with my school advisor.