Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 1: Social Responsibility

Wow! I can't believe that in my first week, I am already charged with creating a social media initiative for Bravo!

Social responsibility is a substantial aspect of many businesses and companies, and at Bravo, unifying millennials with older generations through the protection of dogs is the company's main goal. Bravo's two chihuahuas, Torito and Gala, serve as the company's mascots and accompany the co-CEOs to each business meeting destination.

My first task as an intern is to create an Instagram page for Torito and Gala that will showcase the love of animals as well as pay homage to individuals or groups of individuals who exhibit acts of selflessness and everyday kindness. Whether it's teachers or doctors, the Torito and Gala page will honor those who deserve recognition. I hope to establish this Instagram account within the next week, so stay tuned for what is to come! 


  1. Wow! That's really cool, especially since it's only your first week!

    What kinds of responsibilities will you have as you design the Instagram account? As an aspiring business woman, is this the type of thing you see yourself doing in your future career?

    Have fun and good luck!

    1. Hi Farhan! For the duration of the SRP, my responsibility is to start and run this page - with the help of Bravo's existing social media coordinator. I am working with both the social media coordinator and a cartoonist to learn about how to create the actual content. After I get the hang of that, I'll be responsible for weekly postings.

      As for you the future, I can see myself not necessarily as a social media coordinator, but more of someone who adds new perspectives to businesses. However, I'm open to working in this kind of field, especially with my past interests in journalism.

      Thanks for your question!

  2. Hey Vanessa :) This sounds really great! I mean the internet is a double-edged sword, and social media has the power to negatively or positively impact a cause in tremendous ways. I think it's interesting also how companies have to adapt to the changing times. My question is that this Instagram page is to promote the love of animals, but what is the ultimate benefit? Does the company get donations through this, as it spreads awareness of itself?

    1. Hi Laiba. Thanks for your question! The goal of this Instagram page isn't to get donations. Essentially, it is meant to begin Bravo's social responsibility initiatives. Most businesses will have some sort of goal that they try to accomplish when it comes to social responsibility whether it is promoting scholarships for young people or fostering clean energy around the world. Because Bravo is a start-up, it is in its beginning stages of planning what it would like to accomplish as a long-term goal. This Instagram page is just the first step and, while it will be linked to the main company Instagram page, it will not be solely meant for donations.
