Friday, February 19, 2016

Week 2: Creativity and Collaboration

Let the creativity begin! After working with my on-site advisor, who is also the CEO of Bravo, I have devised a weekly initiative that will be promoted on Bravo's social responsibility Instagram page. Because the company's long-term goal is to generate a place for millennials and older generations to interact through the well-treatment of dogs, I created the "PawsUp" initiative. Essentially this is similar to a profile of the week, in which one day each week is dedicated to Torito and Gala giving a "PawsUp" to a person, group, or organization.

I'll admit that I am not a savant when it comes to photo editing and professional media advertising. So in order to make this page look professional, I will be collaborating, in the coming weeks, with Bravo's social media coordinator and cartoonist in order to establish pictures that are professional and in coordination with Bravo's main account. I hope to create a specific logo for the "PawsUp" initiative while learning the ins and outs of establishing professional media advertisements!

Along with beginning the social media page, I am also taking on a minor case study to assess the effectiveness of one of Bravo's advertisements. The company recently created a wallet-size advertisement to give to people who have used the app. Through previous focus groups, Bravo determined that young adults (college students) promoted a form of advertisement that represented a sense of rebellion and "breaking free." However, I wanted to test this ad on a younger level - specifically teenagers in high school - and gauge a different perspective.

Yesterday, I was able to survey a group of 31 high school juniors at BASIS Chandler. I gave the students five minutes to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the first association or word that comes to your mind when you first see this advertisement and why?
  2. Do you associate this advertisement with a positive or negative image and why?
  3. What do you think Bravo is?
  4. Would you use this service and why?
  5. What can be improved about this advertisement?
Through this survey, I plan to compile all the information and draw conclusions from the various responses. My goal is to analyze if there is a difference between the effectiveness of Bravo-specific advertisements towards teenagers and older college students, and furthermore determine general trends in all forms of advertisement.

Please look for my next post to see the results of this survey!


  1. Could you go into a bit more detail about what the PawsUp initiative is and what you hope to accomplish with it?

    Good work so far!

  2. The PawsUp initiative is similar to a profile of the week. When the Instagram page is started, one day each week will be dedicated to a profile. Each week's post will feature a picture of Torito and Gala (Bravo's chihuahas) in a certain setting, and will give a PawsUp to an individual or group. For example, if Torito and Gala are photographed in front of a street in New York city with a taxi in the background, then we might say "PawsUp to taxi drivers." The goal is to honor those who exhibit acts of kindness and make our everyday lives better :).

  3. I'm really interested in seeing what high schoolers think of this initiative. I think the survey brings in another interesting perspective to your project. Since the success of businesses, especially start-ups like Bravo, are based on their market's perspective of their product, it is interesting to see how they can potentially find the correct demographics for their product through surveys like this one. I would also love it if you could talk about how the responses were given in your next post. High school kids don't often write out paragraphs, but depending on the format of the survey questions you could potentially see a really wide variety of answers.

  4. If you want more opinions, maybe you could post the picture of the business card so that other people can take the survey as well. I really like the concept of this app and I hope you can get a great experience out of it. Let me know if the potential partnership with my Baja Team could work and what I would need to get that started. I'm really looking forward for it!

  5. Could you explain a little more about the wallet-sized advertisement? What was the goal with this?

    1. Hi Liz! I can't disclose the advertisement, but it is just a small card that says "You've been Bravo'd." The back of the card has a few descriptions of multiple ways that people can use Bravo. So essentially, the goal of the card was to tell people about the app and create an association with the card and Bravo. Hope this answers your question!
